Apps for Video


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One of the best apps for filming video on an iPhone is widely regarded as being FiLMiC Pro.  It has a number of features that means it can bridge the gap between the consumer and professional video worlds.   If in doubt – have a look at this simple video shot an an iPhone 6, using FiLMiC pro, in conjunction with a Shoulderpod camera grip.  There are also various tutorials on how to use the app on their website.

However, the release of iOS9 provided a salutary lesson in placing too much emphasis on a single solution.  This app was one of many that suffered new bugs and operational problems, and so we’re now also recommending a number of good alternatives – which may even work better for some users.

  • download (22)    Filmakr is another high quality video app, with manual controls and the ability to record up to 4k resolution.  Easy to change presets for broadcast requirements, and very intuitive to use.  A serious rival to FilmicPro – particularly given ongoing bugs, and the added functionality of the Premium settings.

  • moviepro     MoviePro is a third more professional video camera option.  No three individuals will necessarily agree on which of these is the best – and other alternatives are always in development.
  • download (8)    Hyperlapse can be used in two fundamentally different ways.  It’s primary function is to record video and allow you to decide after ending the recording how much you want to speed it up.  However, the more remarkable side effect is when you slow it down to x1, when the app manages to mimic the visual effect pof a steady cam, without using any external gimbals etc.
  • images (10)     Cinamatic is a fantastic app when you need to create a short film (between 15 and 60 seconds), including video, stills and audio, edited with a range of creative effects that would take hours in a traditional edit suite.  And it does it all automatically, ready for publishing to social platforms from wherever you (and the story) are …
  • download (34)      VideoGrade is a powerful app that should be used with care.  It’s the Video equivalent of Snapseed, but can have a more dramatic (and sometimes destructive) impact on your content.  It can also transform your video, if used correctly.  As with all such apps, you will learn through your mistakes – so practice before using in anger!
  • download (32)    Adobe Clip is one of the simplest video editing apps available.  If you have an Adobe Creative Cloud account within your team, then the real magic of this app is that it will sync all of your content on the iPhone in one part of the world with the main account back at base, which challenges all of our assumptions about newsgathering workflows
  • download (33)    iMovie is Apple’s own video editing app.  A good illustration of the fact there’s nothing wrong with using the default apps, if that’s what works best for you
  • twicerTwicer is a clever app that allows you to add a voiceover or commentary to any video.

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