Social Media Apps


  • facebookFacebook needs no introduction – other than to say predictions of its demise a few years ago were badly misplaced …


  • twitterTwitter remains a powerful medium for newsgathering and publication alike.


  • icon175x175 (1)WhatsApp is just one of the newer social media kids on the block.  The one certainty is it won’t be the last, as younger audiences continually migrate to new platforms for sharing and consuming information, news and content


  • download (41) Vine.  Did Twitter video kill the Vine star?  Not yet.


  • download (42) Periscope – has enjoyed stratospheric success with live video streaming via Twitter.  Challenges the very foundations of traditional broadcasting, events and sporting broadcast rights, as well as how to ensure editorial standards and compliance. A technological solution that broadcasters have yet to fully engage with.


  • snapchatThe arrival of Snapchat Discovery presented a new platform for news and sport stories.  However, what’s most striking about this is that while Twitter is great for journalists, and Facebook is increasingly appealing to older users, Snapchat is favoured by younger people.  It was claimed recently that 75% of all social media data traffic in the UK is now because of Snapchat and that in the US Snapchat claims more than 60 percent of 13- to 34-year-old smartphone users actively use its service.


  • images (11)DigR – creates word clouds based on your tweeting activity.  Great for generating original content for social platforms based on your own activity at majpor stories and events.


  • download (43) Instagram is another more established giant in social media which broadcasters have until recently failed to embrace in the same way as journalists rushed to adopt Twitter and Periscope


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