enps_logoTo access the full web version of ENPS, you must use a Firefox browser.  It will fail to work on other browsers such as Safari.

You should also be aware that there are two versions of mobile ENPS – the mobile version, which will replicate your iPhone / iPad experience on a Macbook, and also a full web version, which provides more of a desktop experience – although does not provide the kind of full functionality that you get on a BBC desktop PC.

To access the mobile version of ENPS, use this address (on any browser) http://enpsweb.gateway.bbc.co.uk/enpswebaccess/SmartPhoneMainPage.aspx

However, if you want the desktop web version, then make sure you use this address, in Firefox: http://enpsweb.gateway.bbc.co.uk/enpswebaccess/

Also don’t forget you can only access wither site after logging in via the F5 client.